Sosmed Ninja

For only the price of a local employee, you can have an international team working for you 24/7 to market, post, comment, like, follow, tweet, and interact.

Essentially maintaining the conversation with your clients, using state of the art technology, with engaging content that’s relevant to your audience.

Marketing Reality Today

•Social media marketing is here to stay!
Clients want to know you, and they want social proof of your quality and service when choosing you.

•In order to have a successful online presence, you need to be intensely active on social media. This quickly becomes a full time job.

•Social media can be overwhelming to keep up with the latest trends, to know what content to post and when. And you still have to run your business!

•Don’t you wish you could hire a ninja to do it for you?

Now You Can!

How You’ll Benefit

-Save money : eliminate the cost of hiring an extra employee
-No more headaches from babysitting an employee who won’t take initiative
-Managed by native speakers : English & Bahasa Indonesia
-Increase brand awareness and sales
-Find new customers and expand your audience
-Create meaningful relationships with your customers
-Viral marketing : that precious and evasive Word-of-Mouth advertising
-Outside-the-box perspective : bringing insights to your business that you wouldn’t discover when managing things in house

Video is the Most Effective Way to Tell Your Story!